Group photo of 26th MK Coniston Cubs outside the Lego shop.

26th Milton Keynes Coniston Cubs had a fantastic time at the Lego Store in Milton Keynes City Centre, thanks to Lego Store Manager Shannon and her totally awesome team. It was a privilege for Coniston Cubs to visit the Lego store, participate in so many activities and take home Lego gifts too. A super massive THANK YOU and shout out to Lego! Coniston Cubs were delighted to be given a bag of stickers, paper crown and Lego passport.

In three groups Coniston Cubs completed all three activities that were kindly setup and led by the Lego staff team, earning an ink stamp in their Lego passport for each activity:

  1. Make and take car
  2. Spaceship construction
  3. Minifigure Me and competitions.

Make and take car

Wheels, parts, blocks, windscreen, and mechanical bits galore! Coniston Cubs greatly enjoyed using their imagination to build a car that they could then take home. They were allowed to use as many pieces as they wanted, the only limit was their imaginations. There were some fantastic builds and Akela was mightily impressed by Coniston Cubs’ ingenuity and creativity.

Well done to all Cubs for being kind and helpful. Amanda searched for blocks for other Coniston Cubs, Oliver shared tips for how to make cars more stable (including Akela’s Lego car that kept breaking), and Mason inspired all Coniston Cubs by helping them to improve their designs to create super stable vehicles, which were then ‘crash tested’ as Coniston Cubs invented a game during the free play part of the session.

Photo of Leader with Lego car, Cubs busy building Lego cars.
Akela and Coniston Cubs at the make and take car building station
Super imaginative vehicles created by Coniston Cubs, including Mason’s streamlined car that proved crash-test worthy and Markel busy building. Gabriel trying on the crown, and Mason sharing his top tips with Timothy. Jack is very pleased with his design and Josh loves the free gift bag of wonderful items too.
Photo of Coniston Cubs building Lego cars.
Happy Coniston Cubs at the car construction base. Timothy, Gabriel and Freddie focusing hard, Oliver spreading his positivity and words of wisdom for stable builds, and Mason with his simple but perfect design.
Photo of three proud Cubs with their Lego cars.
Creative designs of cars by Coniston Cubs Arpit, Freya and Markel.

Spaceship construction

At the spaceships building station, there were many a worthy contenders should the International Space Station (ISS) be redesigned. There were spaceships with orbital protrusions, and spacecrafts that had wheels for landing once back on Earth. The spaceships were truly awesome, and Markel’s mum helped and inspired Cubs to build creatively.

Photo of three Coniston Cubs at the Lego spaceship building base.
Amanda looking very serious whilst building her spaceship, Freya inspect the blocks and Josh mid-building.
Photo of leader with a group of Cubs at the spaceship construction base.
Team effort at the spaceship construction station, led by Sital.
Photo of two Cubs and their Lego spaceships.
Coniston Cubs Mohi and Freya are very pleased with their spaceships.

Minifigure Me

At the minifigures base there was a timed competition to see who could build the most minifigures in two minutes, as well as a creative challenge to recreate oneself as a minifigure, a bit like a self-portrait. Leader Sital was almost in tears of laughter as Coniston Cubs created her in minifigure Lego; let’s just say some creative imagination took place as minifigure Sital had giant blue hair!

Collection of photos with Cubs and Leaders holding up minifigures that represent themselves.
Building ourselves in minifigures… Leader Sital, Freya, Oliver, Akela, Isabella and Mason.
Collection of photos with Cubs and Leaders holding up minifigures that represent themselves.
Building ourselves in minifigures… Josh, Timothy, Freddie, Markel, Arpit and Gabriel.
Photo of a collection of Lego minifigures.
Coniston Cubs as minifigures.
Photo of Coniston Cubs concentrating on building Lego minifigures.
Coniston Cubs Oliver, Mason and Gabriel deep in concentration for the minifigures speed build challenge.
Photo of Coniston Cubs concentrating on building Lego minifigures.
The race is on as Freddie tries to gather as many pieces as possible to build minifigures, whilst Isabella impressively searches for all the pink pieces.

Well done to Isabella, Jack, and Max for earning Lego crowns for being the winners in the competitive challenge as they could build between 5 and 7 minifigures in 2 minutes flat!

Photo of three Cubs with Lego crowns.
The winners with Lego crowns: Jack, Isabella and Max.

Max took the challenge further as he decided to see how many minifigure heads it would take to match his height – it turns out, Max is exactly 155 minifigure heads tall! Perhaps we should all measure our height in minifigure heads rather than cm or inches.

Photo of Coniston Cub joining Lego minifigure heads to match his length and another photo of him lying next to a line of brick heads.
Max is 155 minifigure Lego heads in length!

Bringing blocks to life

During the free play part of the session, Coniston Cubs also enjoyed scanning the barcode of various boxes of Lego to see animation on-screen for what the finished pieces would look like. Ninjago dragons, robots and all sorts came to life during this part of the Cubs session.

Photo of Coniston Cubs looking at a screen of Lego animation.
Bricks come to life on screen.

Coniston Cubs ‘in pieces’

There was much laughter, camaraderie, and kindness at the Cubs session. Coniston Cubs demonstrated Cub Scout values of helping others in building with Lego, as well as with the tidy up, and were super polite and well-behaved in the Lego store that was also open to the public. So, a big well done everyone. Akela is proud of Coniston Cubs.

The best quote of the session was when Max was asked what he enjoyed about 26th Milton Keynes Coniston Cubs, and he said “everything!”.