By Jack Delany-Barnes

On the morning of the 1st of July, 26th Milton Keynes Scouts took a trip on the train down to London. Once we got there, the first thing we accomplished was lunch, sitting in Hyde Park by the Albert Memorial and chomping on some food.

At around 2pm in the afternoon, we set off for the Science Museum, where we split into three groups to work on earning a badge (which must be about No.355 we’ve done): the Air Researcher badge!

After this we went to the space section of the museum, where we gawped at the (tinfoil) lunar shuttle and were astounded by how much we had yet to learn about the planets!

At 6pm, the 26th went to “the other studio” where we saw (drum roll…) “Scouts! The Musical!” Although quite a few of us were sceptical beforehand, it turned out to be one of the best performances we had ever seen.

A quote from Christopher Clawson was “It was actually a really good musical! Before we went on the trip, I thought it might be just terrible, but no! It was simply amazing!”

After the musical ended, we made a mad dash for the tube, and then the train that would take us back to home sweet home ( some scouts stayed up later than ever before, better not tell the parents!).