Tonight we had the first meeting of our cub pack, Coniston Cubs at the Amphitheatre at Campbell Park.
The weather was kind and sunny for our new team of Akela (Susan), Bagheera (Stewart) & Raksha (Julie) to welcome 14 young people into their pack, supported by Group Scout Leader Jenny, who spent much of the evening making sure everything was kept covid clean between activities.
Jenny did an introduction to the Cubs, about our Founder, Jungle Book and the bear necessities of being a Cub Scout, and then it was over to Akela!

We were joined in Campbell Park by other locals, making use of the wonderful green spaces that Milton Keynes has to offer through The Parks Trust who will host the 26th Milton Keynes on many occasion throughout the year.
The Cubs played Duck, Duck, Goose with “pool noodles” courtesy of an idea shared with us by Great Linford Cubs. They did Friendship Bingo, a tongue based version of Wink-Murder, a game of True & False, and “Getting to Know You Football”.
All Cubs were sent home with a 12″ sunflower to grown on at home as part of their Gardeners Badge which should be a fun challenge over the summer term and holidays.
We were joined this evening by Stuart Bailey, District Commissioner, Charlotte Spalding, District Youth Commissioner & Stuart Ball Project Support for 26th Milton Keynes. They enjoyed meeting our fab Cubs Team & Group Scout Leader face to face for the first time, although many conversations have been had over Teams, email and carrier pigeon.
We have another face-to-face meeting next week, followed by our first online meeting the week after. Our neckers are ordered and being made, so all being well our first investitures will be the week 6th July.
Starting a new Group is always a challenge, and we’re lucky that we have a supportive District, a good Group Executive Committee, and our next challenge is TeamBeavers, so it was good to meet Monisha this evening, who is going to be part of the Tarn Hows Beavers who we’re hoping to open in September.
One final thought as we round off our first meeting. Covid 19 still plays a huge part in our preparations for meetings, ensuring we can keep activity equipment clean between uses, and we’re always looking to grow the team at the 26th Milton Keynes, and many Scout Groups across the Milton Keynes area. If you’re reading this, and fancy having some fun, whilst doing some good, please get in touch