With the second half of the Summer Term arriving imminently, and our Cubs Team having just finished going through the vetting and appointments process, it was time to send out invites to prospective members.

We’d heard along the grapevine that invitations to potential Cubs wasn’t getting many takers, and with the 26th Milton Keynes being a new idea in terms of long term blending of online, face-to-face and at-home scouting, we weren’t expecting many takers.

Our original intention was for 15 members, originally, as this tied in with Scouting under our “Amber” rules, and our outdoor Adult:Young Person ratio, which for cubs is 1 adult for 8 Cubs, plus leader in charge.

We felt this was a good size to start with, under the very fluid Covid-19 conditions we’re offering Scouting under.

As such we didn’t think to limit the invitations in anyway, and neglected to indicate that places would be first come first served. This has led to a few upset potential members, which was NEVER our intention. Myself and the Team feel very guilty about the situation, as some of you have been waiting years for an offer.

We never expected to fill those 15 places, let alone within hours of the invitation being extended, and for those enthusiastic young people we’re disappointing, we are extremely sorry.

We are not withdrawing the offer, but we need to go out and excite some more fabulous people into joining our adventure. For every Cubs team volunteer we gain, we can confirm another 8 places we’ve offered.

So we’re unable to deliver on our offer at the moment, but we’ll be working as hard as we can to fix this disappointing situation.

If you’re one of the parents affected, you will have had a reply from us asking if you’d consider joining the Cubs Team, supporting Susan, Stewart & Julie, we’d really like you to join the team, so if would like to know more, please get in touch.

Stuart Ball
Growth & Development Lead