Dear Friends, Family and Members of 26th Milton Keynes Scout Group,

It is customary for every Scout group to have its own unique group badge.  These are worn on the necker or the sleeve and are normally inspired by the place the group meets or by the history of the group.

The 26th Milton Keynes is different from other groups; we recruit members from across the city and meet in different locations every week.  We need an extra special badge that represents everything we are, a new group, a new type of Scouting, in a brand-new city.

We asked our youth members to design badges inspired by what the 26th Milton Keynes means to them and below you will find all their ideas. 

Just as our members come from all over Milton Keynes our badge will be formed of lots of ideas, and this is where we would like your help.  Please look at all the badges below and tell us, using the form at the bottom:

What elements of the badge designs do you think best represent the 26th Milton Keynes Scout Group?

What words/images would you use to portray the 26th Milton Keynes Scout Group on a badge?

Once we have collated all your ideas, we will ask a graphic designer to design our group badge which will be unveiled at our AGM on 28th June.

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