The 26th is being created in response to the sheer size of the list of young people waiting to join Scouting in Milton Keynes.

Since the beginning of 2019, technologies such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have entered the public arena as schools and workplaces needed tools to allow the continuance of working, but from home.

The 26th Milton Keynes takes advantage of those technological advancements, and builds on an idea that some rural areas, like Derbyshire CyberScouts, have been using for some years.

A Scout Group with No Meeting Place

Regional Services Team – The Scouts

The 26th Milton Keynes will combine meetings at various venues across Milton Keynes with virtual meetings and activities at home, we will do fun and educational activities and work towards badges, gaining a sense of achievement, but most importantly gain #skillsforlife.

To that end, in mid 2021 we’ll be opening our first Beaver Colony and our first Cub Pack, each for 15 young people.

The reason it’s 15, and not more, is that the Covid Guidance from the National Youth Agency as applied by The Scouts varies as we navigate our way through the pandemic, and the evolving responses.

So as things stand, the 26th Milton Keynes will meet online, and encourage outdoor Parent-led activities, such as Parks Trust walking routes or art trails, to supplement the online programme but will begin to meet face-to-face as restrictions allow.

Parents, Cubs and Beavers will be encouraged to share their adventures using Online Scout Manager and Teams for Education, from Microsoft.

As the guidance changes to more face-to-face, but still covid-secure, activities, then our programme will evolve with more in person Scouting around Milton Keynes, using available venues, and locations, using the blended approach of online, parent-led and in-person Scouting.