We’re very keen that technology should be a barrier to joining the 26th Milton Keynes, if you are a technophobe or have one of those aura’s that breaks tech when you get too close, please don’t let that put you…
How will we know where to be when?
All our sessions will be published on this website, visible in Online Scout Manager Parent Portal and within Microsoft Teams. If you are still not sure where you are supposed to be you will be able to contact the Cub leader directly. Occasionally,…
What do parents need to do?
As parents you are also part of our group and from time to time we will need, and ask for your support. This might be in coming along to meetings to lend a hand or helping with fundraising. If you are interested in…
Will the Cubs earn badges?
Yes, they will and hopefully lots of them. As parents/guardians you will have access to the parent portal in our online system Online Scout Manager which will allow you to see the badges your child is working on and what other activities, they…
Is there any support for transport to the face-to-face meetings?
At this stage we cannot offer any support with transport, if this is preventing you from joining the 26th please complete our survey to allow us to demonstrate the need for funding to provide this type of support.
Do Cubs wear uniform?
Yes, Cubs wear a uniform. The uniform is a green sweatshirt. This can be bought online from Scouts.org or from the Milton Keynes Scout Shop – orders from the Milton Keynes Scout Shop supports our activities locally. There will also be times when…
How much does it cost to be a member?
We offer a 4-weeks free trial period, after which we will ask you to pay subs of £15 per month (£60 per term). This includes all membership fees, provision of a group scarf and all badges. There will also be additional costs…
What does ‘at home’ activities mean?
At home activities are where leaders provide ideas for you to do at home to work towards badges. These might include activities, which are easier done at home such as learning to make a bed, those which take longer than is…
How do we access the online meetings?
Each youth member will be given a MK Scouts email address, and links to Microsoft Team meetings will be sent to this email address. The software we use is Microsoft Teams, this can be used either as an app or in any web browser. Note that you can download…
How often will we meet face-to-face?
This will depend on what badges, #skillsforlife and experiences we are working on and the time of the year. In the warmer months you can expect more face-to-face meetings and in the colder months there will be many more online sessions led by leaders or ‘at home’…