What is Microsoft Teams?

Milton Keynes Scouts have an educational licence for Microsoft Office365.  This means that we can provide an online classroom, which is safe and secure for our youth members, through Microsoft Teams.   

Due to school lockdowns, you and your child may already have experience of Google Classroom, Zoom or similar applications, Teams is the Microsoft version.

Microsoft Teams provides us with the ability to hold online video calls, share documents, photos, videos, and provide activities to be done at home in a safe environment where only other members of our Cub pack can see it.  We have restricted the Cubs access so that they are not able to message each other or leaders directly, in line with Scout Association safeguarding guidance and Yellow Card.

Our Microsoft licence enables all our youth members to have free copies of all Microsoft Office packages, which they can also use for schoolwork as well as for their Scouting activities. 

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