I’m a Cub moving on to Scouts. What will happen?

Moving on to Scouts is a really exciting time, but you might also feel a little sad about saying farewell to some of your fellow Cubs. This is an understandable reaction to change and it’s okay to feel nervous and unsure. Remember though that some of your friends will already be Scouts, which will help make the transition easier.

In the run up to your last night at Cubs, your Cub leader will talk to your new Scout leader – who you may have already met during joint activities. Together, they’ll make the move as easy as possible for you.

Although most Cubs move up to Scouts between the ages of 9 ½ and 11, leaders can be flexible in cases where a Cub may need a bit more time due to additional needs or exceptional circumstances. Generally, they’ll also have a think about when your friends are moving, and time things so that you can start your new adventure together where possible.

To get you extra prepared, your leader might tell you about the Moving on Award. Completing it involves spending at least three weeks with a Scout section, while keeping up your normal routine at Cubs. During that time, you’ll see what Scouts is really like – getting to know your new leaders, making new friends and participating in lots of new and exciting activities. Keep an eye out, as you might even spot some familiar faces from when you first started at Cubs!

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